Wikia Acquires ValueWiki

February 9, 2010

Zach and I are pleased to announce that ValueWiki will be joining the Wikia family. The new URL is

View the Press Release from Wikia

Wikia is upgrading ValueWiki to a more stable platform with WYSIWYG editing, better user interface, and access to a broader user base. The day to day operation of the site is continuing unchanged. ValueWiki will maintain its free license and community control of the site, while staying true to its mission and core values.

Zach and I are very excited for the added value Wikia is bringing to ValueWiki and look forward to the site’s continued growth under Wikia’s stewardship. Thank you all for an exciting four years.


Zach and Jonathan

Reindeer Games

December 3, 2007

Santa’s reindeer travel at a speed of 3,604 miles per second in order to deliver presents to the world’s 2.5 billion homes, according to Anders Larsson of the Swedish engineering consultancy, Sweco. Larsson estimated there are 120 people per square mile on Earth, with 66 feet between each home. Assuming Santa is all-faith-inclusive, leaves from Kyrgyzstan, and travels against the Earth’s rotation, he has 48 hours to deliver all the presents, while spending 34 microseconds at each stop. Some scientists speculate that Santa’s sleigh, weighed down with metric tons of presents while traveling at supersonic speed, would encounter such massive air resistance it would be vaporised in a firey inferno within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Thus, the mystery of Santa’s technology lives on.

Happy Holidays!

ValueWiki Update

September 17, 2007

Zach and I have both been pretty swamped in our respective non-ValueWiki lives. As you may have noticed, I am no longer blogging 15 times per week. Due to my schedule, I plan to now use the ValueWiki blog as more of a traditional company blog, only posting relevant updates and announcements.

As ValueWiki approaches its one year anniversary, we are pleased to see the site passing 500 registered users and approaching 5 million page views, with great new investment information being posted every week. Zach is planning a few technical improvements for the site that we hope to unveil in the near future. We will blog as soon as there are new developments to report. Stay tuned!

Whole Foods Alias

July 12, 2007

I am loving the Whole Foods debacle. The CEO kept a yahoo finance message board alias for seven years, and used it to promote himself, Whole Foods, and occasionally attack his competitor, Wild Oats Markets. Message Board posters are constantly accusing each other of being “paid pumpers” or “paid bashers” or secretly working for a competitor. 99.99% of the time, these conspiracy theories are completely ridiculous. But now, thanks to Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, we can expect message board conspiracy theories to live on for quite a while.

iPhone is Selling!

June 30, 2007

I own Apple both in my personal portfolio, and the portfolio I manage. But I definitely had my doubts as to how many people would actually want to spend $499 to buy a phone. And I’ve wondered if Apple stock will take a break now that we’ve finally reached the release date.

Well, a friend of mine went to the Apple store today to get her computer fixed, and said it was mobbed like a rock concert. Four hour lines to sign up for iPhone service. Will be interesting to follow Apple stock this quarter.

The WallStreet Journal Covers Wikigroaning

June 17, 2007

Is Wikigroaning now an official pop-culture term? The Wallstreet journal has some funny examples of “nerd-bias” on Wikipedia.


June 11, 2007

If you haven’t checked out WikiGroaning yet, it’s worth a gander. The site compares the completeness of Wikipedia articles to demonstrate how nerdy we Wikipedians are. I previously wrote about Wikipedia’s liberal bias… Does Wikipedia have a nerd bias?

For instance, the site compares:

*Modern Warfare vs. Lightsaber Combat

*Bathing vs. Acne

*Girlfriend vs. Video Games

In all cases, the “nerd” topic far outweighs the normal topic. For more fun and games, check out

OMR: Buried Treasure

May 31, 2007

Finding buried treasure in stocks that find, well, buried treasure

In March a friend humorously pointed me to Admiralty Holding Company (ADMH), a sad little penny stock for a company that searches for buried treasure on sunken ships. It sounded like a ridiculous investment. So I was surprised last week when a similar company, Odyssey Marine Exploration (OMR), rocketed up 80% to $7.38 when it discovered buried treasure.

Odyssey Marine Exploration claims to have discovered a Colonial period shipwreck with over 500,000 silver coins weighing more than 17 tons, hundreds of gold coins, worked gold, and other artifacts located in an undisclosed location somewhere in the Atlantic. The claims appear to have some legitimacy, as the Spanish Government is already suing Odyssey, claiming the treasure must belong to the Spanish crown. Presumably, the Spanish will allow Odyssey to keep some of the booty in exchange for their troubles. OMR shares closed down 20 cents, or 3% on news of the Spanish lawsuit today.

More Stephen Colbert Wiki Pranks

May 29, 2007

Stephen Colbert had Jimmy Wales on his show last week, and a fresh round of Wikipedia pranks has ensued. You can best view the interview here.

Last year, Colbert’s Comedy Central fans began editing the Wikipedia article on Elephants to read, “Thanks largely to the efforts of Stephen Colbert, the world elephant population has tripled.” These edits are still being reverted to this day. Following Colbert’s interview with Wales, a new flurry of pages are being protected. Colbert called on viewers to write a variety of new and interesting facts. Namely, that “Librarians are hiding something,” that “Oxygen is a poison“, that “Albert Einstein was an Alpacca farmer“, and that anyone looking for the Spanish Wikipedia should “just learn English.”

I should note that all of these pages are now semi-protected. Probably because, as Jimmy notes in the interview, Wikipedians watch the Colbert report. Colbert is the comedian who coined the term “Wikiality”, a state in which truth becomes whatever the majority of people believe it to be. This prompted Colbert fans to start the parody wiki,, “The Truthiness Encyclopedia.”

Wales enjoyed his Colbert interview with good humor, and even noted that Stephen Colbert himself had been banned from editing Wikipedia, for “not behaving himself.”

Top 50 Wikis by Traffic Rank

May 24, 2007 has listed the top 57 Wiki’s by traffic rank. ValueWiki should be in the top 50, but the author, Jason Rodriguez, does not seem to respond to blog email or comments. 😦

According to Jason’s list, the top ten Wikis by Alexa rank and Google page rank are:

  1. Wikipedia PR8 Alexa Rank:10
  2. Adobe Labs PR9 Alexa Rank:85
  3. WikiAnswers PR6 Alexa Rank:274
  4. TripAdvisor Wiki PR3 Alexa Rank:504
  5. Apache Wiki PR7 Alexa Rank:939
  6. WikiMapia PR6 Alexa Rank:1,139
  7. Second Life Wiki PR6 Alexa Rank:1,413
  8. Wikia PR7 Alexa Rank:1,657
  9. AboutUs PR6 Alexa Rank:1,982
  10. Debian PR6 Alexa Rank:2,020